Monday, December 27, 2010

To my right is Bro Srinivasan who did ministry in Kashmir for 11 years.To my left is Bro John who did ministry in interior parts of Thailand

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My strange experience

Be aware of the people who often come in the name of the lord.
As shared by my cousin I got to know a person who got converted in 1978 and says that he is doing the ministry.When I was talking he started bombarding me with the word of God saying you are in confusion because of various doctrines.I was shocked in that way cause the people who know me.They can say that I don't mingle in doctrinal differences and I stick to the word of God.He was speaking to me as a prophet sent by the lord but all the things which he shard was not for me then I came to know that he misunderstood me with some other person.
Not let me tell you the real problem of sharing about ourselves with others.
1.They will collect the matter and go to the person and share as if they got the message from the lord.
2.These people come with a deceiving spirit and try to focus our life from God to an Individual.
3.They will try to have the relationship for monitory benefit.
What we need to do.
Ask for the discernment of spirit and be victorious in this evil world.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Along with Sangeetha Jain

Along with Sangeetha Jain and her mother

Monday, December 6, 2010

Walking on the Glacier

During my visit to Amarnath prayer walk.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Seal Ashram

You can Pr.Philip cleaning the patiant

Giving a study Bible to non Christian

Giving a study Bible to a non believer.

During Bible distribution in Gujarat

Aruna an eunuch testifying with Mohan C Lazarus

I know Aruna for more than 4 years.

Literature store in Chattisgarh

As you all know that I am visiting Chattisgarh regularly for quite some time.There is a need of Christian store in that area.If you are interested pl let me know.

Pastor with DEBT

As I am a person who wants people to come out of DEBT.For the past some times I am seeing a vast increase in pastors falling into the debt trap.
When I tried to Analise I sensed that they don't know about managing funds effectively.
Some of the reason I want to put it across.
1.Spending lavishly.
2.Showing off.
3.Eating out in regular.
4.Want a sophisticated life like an enterpruner.
5.We always forget the past.
6.The money given for ministry is spent for personal needs.
Many more to add.